Foothills Pointe Owners' Association
Foothills Pointe Owners' Association is not involved in property sales within the community. To view properties for sale in Foothills Pointe, visit any realtor website and search for Foothills Pointe, Greenback, TN.
Real Estate Signs
Residence "For Sale" signs, limited to two, are allowed on each lot being advertised for sale. Both signs must be located on the lot itself. Each sign shall not exceed a maximum size of 30 inches by 30 inches.
Leasing Property
Per the FPOA CCRs, short-term leases are not permitted in Foothills Pointe. An Owner shall not lease his/her Lot or Living Unit for any period less than six (6) months duration, with only two (2) such leases allowed in any calendar year. All leases shall be in writing and shall be for the purpose of single-family occupancy only. A copy of every such lease shall be provided to the Association Board prior to the commencement of the lease term.
Contact Information
If you are an attorney or firm in need of a "Closing Letter" from Foothills Pointe or an individual or realtor with real estate/property questions, contact Terry Kidd at floydkidd@gmail.com or 423-306-3163. If you have financial/fee (assessment) questions, contact Melissa Ownby at molane7732@gmail.com or 865-292-5438.
For questions concerning construction guidelines, contact Steve Ovrevik at govrevik@comcast.net or 303-931-4929.
For questions concerning boat slip availability, contact Mike Melvin at mikepwp2@gmail.com or 260-367-1263. Currently there is a waiting list for a boat slip.
For questions concerning the FPOA waste treatment system, contact Ben Petersen at bennetpetersen@att.net or 815-621-9608.
Financial Information
There is an initial contribution fee payable to FPOA by a buyer. The fee is $200 for a lot and $500 for a house. Below is the maintenance fee (assessment) structure effective July 1, 2024:
1 single lot -- $270 quarterly ($90/month)
2 single lots -- $540 quarterly ($180/month)
3 single lots -- $810 quarterly ($270/month)
1 double lot plus 1 lot -- $675 quarterly ($225/month)
1 double lot -- $405 quarterly ($135/month)
Reservations for boat slips come at an additional cost and are subject to availability. FPOA members who are up-to-date with their fees are eligible for a dock slip and can be placed on the waiting list. However, please note that there is currently a lengthy waitlist for a dock slip.
Boat Slips: Effective February 1, 2025, the split-year fee ($400/$100) will be discontinued. The new reservation fee will be $1,400 for 2025. For renewals after 2025, the reservation fee will be $400. All new slip reservations will cost $1,400 for the first year and $400 for subsequent renewals.
PWC Slips: Effective February 1, 2025, the split-year fee ($100/$50) will be discontinued. The new reservation fee will be $700 for 2025. For renewals after 2025, the reservation fee will be $200. All new slip reservations will cost $700 for the first year and $200 for subsequent renewals.
Kayak Slips: Effective February 1, 2025, the split-year fee ($100/$50) will be discontinued. The new reservation fee will be $400 for 2025. For renewals after 2025, the reservation fee will be $125. All new slip reservations will cost $400 for the first year and $125 for subsequent renewals.
Private Docks Information
The Foothills Pointe Owners' Association has little to say about private docks in Foothills Pointe other than to request that they be aesthetically pleasing and like those in the rest of the Community.
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has almost total control over the building of docks on Tellico Lake. TVA shares some of that authority with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), but provides most of the coordination.
TVA owns and manages all property below the "820 Line" (a line at 820 feet above sea level) bordering the lake. As such, TVA controls all the water area and the area between the water's edge and the 820 line. Any construction in those areas is under the control of TVA’s Public Lands Information Center (PLIC).
Below is the link to a PLIC document called "Shoreline Construction FAQs" that will answer questions and provide a contact point for starting to deal with TVA.